A guide to Pegasus Mail filenames and file-extensions.

If you happen to look in the Home mailbox location, in the New mail directory or in the Pegasus Mail program directory there are a large number of files relating to Pegasus Mail, incorporating quite a range of suffices.

You can find this file locations - and much more useful information - by clicking Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info, in the Pegasus Mail for Windows menubar and, while you are there, find the Easter Egg!!

The following lists (hopefully complete!) details what each file or file-extension is used for. This document is first created by Chuck Foster in July '95 and is first published on the web in September 1997 by Han van den Bogaerde. Other contributors are mentioned at the bottom of this document.

For a quick reference of added files and extensions in version 3: click here.
For a quick reference of added files and extensions in version 4: click here.

This document is last updated 08-Mar-2022.

In the column Version information the '+' indicates that the item exists for versions onward from that version, and '-' indicates the last version the filename or extension is used.

Files existing in Pmail and WinPMail new-mail directory.

NOTE: The following files are always placed in the new-mail directory. In single-user and multiple-users-on-one-computer setup however, the home mailbox location and new-mail directory can be the same.

Filename or extension Version information Information
Pmail.INI Pmail v3.20+
WinPMail v1.20+
This file contains the profile information for Pegasus Mail, both for the DOS and Windows versions. This file replaces the two files described below and contains settings for many -but not all- of the configurable features. Information can be altered by using the Tools | Options in the menu-bar in WinPMail, or using the Preferences menu choice in Pmail. Do not edit the file directly.

In the 3.0 version all information about identities is stored in this file as well. Once you have run the 3.0 version, this file is no longer compatible with previous versions of WinPMail, and will cause those previous versions to crash on loading. Use the -Y <file> commandline option to use another ini file.
PASSWD.PM Pmail v3.02+ Pegasus Mail has password protection in standalone mode. It works like this:
The password is stored in a file called PASSWD.PM in the user's new mail directory. Pegasus Mail v3.02 and later will create an empty version of this file if it doesn't exist (to prevent people with File Create rights using the old Novell login script attack and creating a bogus password file for another user). PASSWD.PM is laid out like an INI file, with various passwords being possible; the Pegasus Mail login password is stored in an entry called "Mailbox". Further information in the file.
Mercury uses this file for IMAP4 and POP3 logins when running in standalone mode (non- NetWare mode).
Pmail v3.11-
WinPMail v1.1-
These files contained the profile information for the DOS and Windows versions respectively. These included preference information, for instance. On upward versions, this information is stored in the PMAIL.INI file.
POP3.PRO   This file is accessed by Mercury to determine user's POP3 settings.
*.CNM   This file extension represents an actual new mail message. When new mail arrives for a user, it will have this suffix (this is compatible with direct server delivery, Mercury and Charon). The filename is unique, and can be considered as its message id. The actual name generally begins with a Y to indicate a normally delivered new mail message (local or by Mercury), or P to indicate a POP3-delivered message.

If the general preference to keep new messages in the new-mail folder is set, in the versions before the 3.0, the first character of the message id will become a ! when the message is read but not moved. In the 3.0 version the file is no longer renamed.

The structure of the New Mail folder is unique in that individual messages are stored as individual files whereas other folders have all their messages stored in a .PMM file with a corresponding index file with a .PMI extension - one file pair for each folder.

PMXF.INI   This file contains the information for the Extended features options, which are only available when running Mercury in Netware environment and when the system manager has granted rights for this option.
AREPLY.*   Those files are used by Mercury to generate automatic replies to messages when the feature is actiivated in Extended features options in Pegasus Mail.
  • Areply. (no extension) = Not activated
  • Areply.pm = Activated
  • Areply.kfl = Mercury remembers every address from which a message has been successfully delivered for the account in the last 48 hours; if more than one message comes in from the same address in any 48 hour period, Mercury will generate only one auto-reply. The auto-reply memory is stored in a file called AREPLY.KFL in the user's new mail directory.
  • Areply.kfs = You can specify a static kill file for autoreplies on a user by user basis. When generating an autoreply, Mercury checks to see if this file is in the user's mail directory. If it's there, it is checked for the address before the autoreply is transmitted.

File that exist in the root of the mailbox directory

Filename or extension Version information Information
PMAIL.USR   When installing in multi user mode, or on a non-Novell network, this file contains the user-id's, status and other information, needed to provide access to Pegasus Mail. This file is used by Mercury MTS as well, to find the mailbox locations for the users. The file is not used when installed on a Novell network, using either bindery or NDS mode.

In Mercury/32 (v4) you can force a reload by sending the passwd and reload command to maiser.
password xxxx
reload users

Files existing in the "home mailbox directory".

(Listed in alphabetical order)

Filename or extension Version information Information
AUTORPLC.PM WinPMail v4.0+ This file stores the settings and content for the autoreplace function in Pegasus Mail, starting version 4.0.
CACHE.PM WinPMail v4.0+ This file contains information about the folders list that was used the last time WinPMail was closed. Pegasus Mail will -at the next startup- process this list very fast and load the folders in it without further checking. If a folder cannot be loaded (has been deleted) the cache will be marked invalid and Pegasus Mail will revert to an initial check for all folders. The same happens, when after loading the cache, WinPMail finds any not yet loaded folders.
The cache will be rebuild at shutdown. The cache will make Pegasus Mail startup much faster when the folder structure is not changed.
CFDEFS.PM WinPMail v4.51+ Pegasus Mail Conversation Folder Definition file. This file holds the information for filterrules created by using the autofiltering method, in the right mouse context menu of a folder in the folders listing.
DESKTOP.PM0   Desktop State File. When you use a different named ini-file (commandline option -Y), the word "desktop" is replaced by that name.
FLsearch.PM WinPMail v4.2+ Contains the information used in the search drop-down list.
FOLSTATE.PM WinPMail v3.0+ When available, this file holds the information about trays that were open at the last shutdown. This file is created if needed at program shutdown. Pegasus Mail will show the trays open again at startup.
GLOSSARY.PM   Glossaries created in WinPMail, using Tools | Glossary | Edit/create.
HIERARCH.PM WinPMail v3.0+ This file contains the information about the individual settings and profile for each folder like the sort order, the unique folder id. Not only for the folders in the actual mounted mailbox but for all mailboxes once mounted. The file is an ASCII database file. Pegasus Mail builds the folder and tray structure at startup from this file, unless the content of the file cache.pm is valid.
IMAP.PM WinPMail v3.11+ This file contains the settings for the IMAP profiles in the Tools menu. Note: This file is only present when IMAP is used at least once.
IMAPSUB.PM WinPMail v3.12+ Those files contain the information about IMAP folder and general settings. Only available when IMAP is used.
_INBOX_.PM WinPMail v3.12+ Those files contain the information about IMAP inbox settings. Only available when IMAP is used.
(see LOCALSIG.PMS and MHSSIG.PMS as well)
  These files are the signature files used on messages, relating to local server mail (using /), smtp mail (using @) and Novell MHS mail respectively.
(see INETSIG.PMS and MHSSIG.PMS as well)
  These files are the signature files used on messages, relating to local server mail (using /), smtp mail (using @) and Novell MHS mail respectively.
LOCALS*.PMS WinPMail v2.30+ The signatures available have been extended to up to nine different version from WinPMail 2.30. These have the numbering scheme of
LOCALSI9.PMS, INETSIG9.PMS, and MHSSIG9.PMS, with the exception of set 1, which continues to use the original names as described above.
You can edit all sets by going Tools | Options | Signatures. Each set contains the three blocks; those blocks are stored in different files as described above.
MAILBOX.PM WinPMail v3.11+ This file contains the information about mounted mailboxes (the Home mailbox is not included, as that will be always be opened) that should be opened on the next WinPmail start. A pointer to the mailboxes and the locations on disk will be stored here, when they are still open when WinPmail is closed. The setting "Save desktop state between sessions" must be active.
WinPMail v4.0+ MAILBOXP.LCK: Pegasus Mail's mailbox lock file; used to keep Pegasus Mail v4.0+ sessions and Mercury/32 IMAP4 sessions from accessing the same mailbox simultaneously.
MAILBOXM.LCK: Mercury's mailbox lock file; used to keep Pegasus Mail v4.0+ sessions and Mercury/32 IMAP4 sessions from accessing the same mailbox simultaneously.
MEMORY.PM   This file contains message id-s and changes as the status of the mailbox on the server changes, when WinPmail connects to that mailbox. It is used to figure out which messages have already been retrieved from the POP3 server and is used when download only unread mail is active.
(see LOCALSIG.PMS and NETSIG.PMS as well)
  These files are the signature files used on messages, relating to local server mail (using /), smtp mail (using @) and Novell MHS mail respectively.
NB.PM#   This file keeps the status of the different notice board messages (read/unread).
NEWCACHE.PM WinPMail v4.0+ This file contains information about the New Mail folder messages used the last time WinPMail was started. Pegasus Mail will -at the next startup- process this file very fast. The cache will make Pegasus Mail startup much faster when the folder structure is no changed.
PEXLIST.PM WinPMail v4.30+ Pegasus Mail Remote Linked Graphic Exception File. The content of the option: Tools, Options, Message reader, Display Remote-linked graphics information is stored in this file.
PMDICT3.PMH   This file is used for phonemic homonym matching. In essence, it lists fragments of words that could be spelled in different ways but which might sound the same or similar. So, when Pegasus Mail is trying to work out whether a word is misspelled, it looks for syllables matching any of the ones in the homonym file and tries the alternatives.
Example - you type in "telefone": Pegasus Mail finds "f" in the homonym list and notices that an alternative spelling could be "telephone", which of course it can match as a valid word, so it adds it to the suggestion list. Without the homonym list, it wouldn't find a valid alternative because the comparative delta between "telephone" and "telefone" is too great.
POP*.PM3   Files starting with POP and having a PM3 extension are used for remembering which messages which have been downloaded from a POP server. The name of th efile used for each POP feenition can be found in the definition files (*.pnd) under the label Memfile.
PREFIX.PM WinPMail v4.12+ This file contains words that are ignored when sorting messages by subject in a folder (like Re: (Fwd) and such). File is ascii and can be edited. Documentation in the file.
RQUOTES.PMS WinPMail v2.30+ The file that contains the variable signature database.
RULES.PMQ WinPMail v3.0- These files hold the information used by Pegasus Mail to filter New Mail when the new-mail folder is opened. Though one may be copied to the other, the two files are technically different for these reasons:
(a) the character sets between DOS and Windows are different;
(b) rules can allow you to execute programs, and these may well be different under DOS and Windows (you might want a PIF for instance).
(c) The windows version rules can handle more actions then the Dos version can.
Pmail 3.31 can lock up when the winrules.pmq file is used to create rules.pmq due to the extensive use of rules in the windows version.
SIGNAMES.PM WinPMail v2.30+ The file that contains the names of the signature sets.
SPAMBUST.DAT WinPMail v4.0+ This file contains the commands used by the Content Control engine of Pegasus Mail for Windows and Mercury/32.
SPAMSTAT.TXT WinPMail v4.6+ This file contains the saved version of the Spamhalter statistics.
STATE.PMJ WinPMail v3.0+ This file contains the information for all windows in WinPMail that are at least opened once. It holds the state, the location on the screen and any other window related settings (size, open/closed, connected identity and such).
SYSLOG.PM WinPMail v3.01+ This file contains a logging of all send mail. It's only present when the option "Keep a logfile" is set in Tools | Options | Reporting.
WinPMail v3.11-
If the -Z 32 switch has been specified on start up, this creates a log of TCP/IP activity, which is kept in this file. This file is a security problem, it contains your password and all other settings transmitted during a pop3 session in ASCII. You should delete this file directly after completing it's use.
TCPxxxx.WPM WinPMail v3.11+
WinPMail v4.4-
If the -Z 32 switch has been specified on start up, this creates a log of TCP/IP activity, which are kept in this files. The xxxx are replaced by a numeric value for each session that is established. In version 4.x you can tick the box "Create Internet Session logs (advanced debug only)" in Tools | Internet Options | General.
Those files can be a security problem, they contain your password and all other information transmitted during a pop3 session in clear ASCII. You should delete those files directly after completing it's use.
As from version 4 those files are no longer used, see the TCP logs directory page.
TRAYSAVE.PM WinPMail v3.0- This file contains the name of a folder/tray which is involved in a current move from one tray to another. This file is deleted after a paste folder operation. When this file exists no "cut folder" action can be performed, because a previous action was not completed.
USRDICT3.PMD WinPMail v4.81- This file contains the words in user's personal dictionary for spell-checking. This is a standard ASCII file. Each word is separated by one space. You can edit this file with any editor. Keep all words separated by one space. There is only one user file, this file is used for all languages. See also USERDICT5.PMD
USRDICT5.PMD WinPMail v4.81+ This file contains the words in user's personal dictionary for spell-checking. The "5" version is encoded in UTF-8 and can handle all character sets. If there is only a "3" version, WinPMail will automatically import it into the "5" version, converting to UTF-8 as it goes (it assumes that the "3" version is stored in the active Windows 8-bit code page)
VIEWER.PM WinPMail v2.0+ This file contains the information for attachment viewers which may be configured, for displaying MIME attachments, for example. This file can be a systemwide one; if desired so it must be placed in the Pegasus Mail program directory.
WI_SPH.INI WinPMail v4.4+ This file holds the information used by Pegasus Mail's Spamhalter add in and can be edited using Notepad. More information is in the file.
WINPMFUA.PM   The most recently used addresses, used in the TO:, CC: or BCC: fields in WinPMail. (FUA= Frequently used addresses)
WINPMFUF.PM WinPMail v3.0+ The most recently used files, used in the attachment pane in the message editor. (FUF= Frequently used files)
WINPMFUH.PM WinPMail v2.5+ The most recently added headers to a message (FUH= Frequently used headers). In the special tab of the message editor window, you can specify any own headers. This should be used with care.
WINPMFUK.PM WinPMail v4.0+ The most recently used keywords used in the alternate editor to create messages. Tools | Options | Messages and Replies. (FUK= Frequently used keywords)
WINPMFUP.PM   The most recently used places to store attachments or extracted files. (FUP= Frequently used places)
WINPMPOP.PRO   Profile file for the WinPMail POP settings.
WinPMail v3.0-
This file holds the information used by Pegasus to filter New Mail when the new-mail folder is closed.
To day the extension is .PMC
.PMQ: WinPmail v3.0-
.PMC: WinPMail v3.0+
These files hold the information used by Pegasus Mail to filter New Mail when the new-mail folder is opened. Though one may be copied to the other, the two files are technically different for these reasons:
(a) the character sets between DOS and Windows are different;
(b) rules can allow you to execute programs, and these may well be different under DOS and Windows (you might want a PIF for instance).
(c) The windows version rules can handle more actions then the Dos version can.
Pmail DOS 3.31 can lock up when the winrules.pmq file is used to create rules.pmq due to the extensive use of rules in the windows version.
WORDS4.DB3 WinPMail v4.4+ An sqllite database file that holds the spam and non-spam tokens used by Pegasus Mail's Spamhalter add. You can download a (fresh) starter file here.
WinPMail v3.0-
This file holds the information used by Pegasus Mail's copy to self filter rules.
WPM-CHAR.RSC WinPMail v2.4+ Customize Pegasus Mail for Windows (Character set and header display). This file is optional and can be placed in the Pegasus Mail Program directory as well. This file can be used to replace the default SMTP translation table used by PMail on outgoing non-MIME messages. For more information see my wpmchar page.

Extensions existing in the "home mailbox directory".

(Listed in alphabetical order)

Filename or extension Version information Information
*.ASV WinPMail v2.50+
WinPMail v2.53-
These files are auto saved messages, created by WinPMail when the option to save file during editing is set. These ASV files show up in the display saved messages window. WinPMail will delete the ASV file when editing ends in a normal way. Now these files are saved with a *.PMO extension.
*.DAT WinPMail v4.x+ SPam*.Dat files contain the information used by Pegasus Mail's Content Control definitions.
*.FFF WinPMail v2.01+ Those files are "form fact files" that contain the information for extensions. All extensions do have their own .fff file. More information about these files can be found in the fff.txt file in the WinPMail program directory or it's Resource sub directory. Extensions can be launched from the Tools | Extensions Menu.
Note: In translated versions of Pegasus Mail, the "FFF" is replaced by "Fxx", where "xx" is the assigned language code.
{sub directory}
  These sub directories represent old-style message directories, from the early releases of Pegasus Mail. The use of these nowadays is in relation to system wide folders (called Public folders from version 4.20). The folder directory must contain a file called PMFOLDER.ID, which is a single NULL-terminated line representing the folder's long name. More information in the WGUIDE.HLP file in the program directory.
*.MAR WinPMail 4.20+ This file holds attributes records per user for messages in "Public Folders" (called Systemwide-folders in former versions)
*.MBX WinPMail v3.x+ MBX Unix mail folder format (used by Eudora, Netscape, Pine, etc.)
*.MSG WinPMail v1.22- These were queued messages that had to be sent.
*.PM1   Secondary addressbook index file, only available when created with the pmsort utility (Addressbook sort on key).
*.PM2   Undocumented. It looks like this extension is used to store uid information when using Multipop in Pegasus Mail for Windows
*.PM4 MacPmail only General filtering rules file (Macintosh version only!).
*.PM5 WinPMail v3.11+ Those files contain the scripts for New Message templates, reachable by Shift F7.
*.PM6 WinPMail v3.11+ Those files contain the scripts for Reply templates, reachable by Shift R.
DESKTOP.PM7 WinPMail v2.4+
WinPMail v3.0-
This file contains the information about the state of the folders. Which folder is open, which folder is closed and in what order are folders displayed. Now this information is stored in the file FOLSTATE.PM.
*.PMC WinPMail v3.0+ Those files holds the information used by Pegasus Mail for Windows filter rules in a new (ASCII) format. The filenames are the same as mentioned above in the "PMQ" range.
*.PMF   PMF files are attachments files.  They are created when local, non-MIME messages with sent with attachments.  (Non-local (internet) messages sent without MIME are delivered uuencoded.) PMF files are linked with a message by a pair of header lines. The first header, X-file, indicates the name of the in the message directory. The second, X-info, indicates the true name of the file and the file type.
X-file: JZ14G997.PMF
X-finfo: DOS,"Real File Name.doc",,,,Unknown

PMFs will stay in the main message directory even if the message is moved to a folder. PMF are deleted when the host message is deleted. If you copy a message with a PMF attachment to multiple folders, they all share the same PMF file and deleting one of the multple messages will delete the attachment in all copies.
All versions of the Pegasus Mail can create these attachments, if the option "Use MIME features" is off and the message is delivered locally.  Attachments created in previous versions are still valid. Howver, some early V4 revisions could not open PMF attachments. (Changing the "Is a valid MIME message" message propety was a work-around - This was fixed with version 4.2)
*.PMG WinPMail v3.0+ This file, that is located in the directory where a MBX-style folder is located, contains the index for that folder (like the *.pmi file does for Pegasus Mail's V2 folder type).
The first 128 bytes of the index file hold, among others, the unique folder id and its display name, the size of the folder and the amount of deleted data.
(see *.PMM as well)
  These file pairs reference actual mail folders, where messages are stored in a more compressed form. The PMI file holds an index to the position of the message in the PMM file. The *.PMM file is a normal ASCII file containing all messages, separated by a CTRL-Z. Although this are ASCII files, any editing can mess up the folder content, making it impossible to access any individual messages without rebuilding the index.

The above does not apply to the New Mail folder. That folder is just a view on files with a *.CNM extension.

The first 128 bytes of the index file hold, among others, the unique folder id and its display name, the size of the folder and the amount of deleted data.

*.PML   Each of these files correspond to a distribution list. Distribution lists are normal text files, with on each line one e-mail address. A message sent to @<file>.PML (Note the "@" in front) is sent to all e-mail addresses in the list.
(see *.PMI as well)
  These file pairs reference actual mail folders, where messages are stored in a more compressed form. The PMI file holds an index to the position of the message in the PMM file. The *.PMM file is a normal ASCII file containing all messages, separated by a CTRL-Z. Although this are ASCII files, any editing can mess up the folder content, making it impossible to access any individual messages without rebuilding the index.

The above does not apply to the New Mail folder. That folder is just a view on files with a *.CNM extension.

*.PMN   These are annotation files. They used to be associated with the relevant messages by the message id, with the first character of the filename being replaced with an A.
It looks like currently (after version 4.4) annotationfiles are linked to the message in other ways.
*.PMO   Any file with this suffix is either a saved messages to return to at a later date, or a message saved as stationary. You can save any message you are working on, by pressing ctr-s. The messages are given the name "content of the To: field, content of the Subject: field". Up to the 3.0 version there is no visible difference between a message saved as stationery and a normal saved message (Stationary is indicated by a flag [SY=1] inside the *.pmo file itself).
Within the 3.0 version the draft window will display whether or not the message is an AutoSave, draft or stationary message
*.PMP WinPMail v2.5+, This is the notepad file, created by tools | notepads.
*.PMPPKG WinPMail v4.31+ You can now attach a file with the extension "*.PMPPKG" (short for "Pegasus Mail Preferences PacKaGe") to any message, and Pegasus Mail will handle it in a special fashion. If the recipient opens or double-clicks any attachment with that extension, Pegasus Mail will assume that it is a preferences package and will offer the user the option of merging the preferences settings it contains with his/her current preference settings.
The .PMPPKG file is simply a modified version of PMAIL.INI, containing any of the sections in PMAIL.INI, each section with one or more preference setting you want to alter (so, you don't have to include the whole section - you can just change one or two items): you can use command substitutions in any field; can use "x" placeholders in any of the integer block fields to preserve the current value at that position, and can use "-" in the "Default settings values" field to preserve the value at that position in the string.
.PMPPKG handling is hard-wired into the program, but can be overridden by adding entries into FILETYPE.PM (either manually or using the "Viewers" preferences page).
  These files relate to Address Books created in Pegasus Mail. The former indexes the information stored in the middle. For earlier versions of Pegasus Mail, if an address book is not going to be modified, it could be indexed in a faster way through the PMSORT utility that comes with the dos-zip file, which generates an additional file with the .PM1 extension. (note this did not work for very large address books!).
The filename can either be 8 digits or ADDR followed by 4 digits.
*.PMS WinPMail v2.30+ Signatures files.
*.PMT WinPMail v3.0- Any file with this suffix relates to a Tray file. There is always (unless you started to use Pegasus Mail for Windows with version 3.x) at least one tray called MAIN.PMT used by Pegasus Mail to indicate the current folders; additional folders may be grouped together within another tray.

NOTE: (added 31-Dec-05)
This type of files can cause troubles when rebuilding hierarch.pm and if they still exist in the directory. You can delete these files without any problem.
*.PMV WinPMail v2.20+
WinPMail v3.0-
These files contained general filtering rules.
*.PMW WinPMail v2.0+ This file type replaces *.MSG above, as that conflicted with Trumpet Winsock messages. This messages are also referred to as "outgoing messages in draft format". Those files can be edited/reviewed using the File | Review queued mail menu entry.
*.PMX WinPMail v2.0+ These files are "ready to sent". Also called "outgoing messages in final form". The headers are added, addresses are expanded. Those messages cannot be edited anymore but still can be viewed and/or deleted using the File | Review queued mail menu entry.
*.PNC WinPMail v4.1+ Content Control Set definition
*.PNC.INFO WinPMail v4.2+ An "information" file for a spam definition: simply create a text file with the same name as the spam definition file and add ".info" as an extension (so, the info file for "basic.pnc" is "basic.pnc.info". Mercury displays the contents of this file when the corresponding definition is selected in the CC dialog.
*.PND WinPMail v4.2+ Those files contain connection information and other settings for POP3 and SMTP configurations.
LNK*.PNL WinPMail v4.3+ Link Folder data file.
*.PNM   Mail folder cache file showing IMAP message flag status (used by Mercury/32)
*.PNP WinPMail 4.02+ Thoss files contain the POP3 server side filter rules.
*.PNS WinPMail v4.0+ Those files contain the formatted version of signatures.
*.PNV WinPMail v4.30+ Pegasus Mail Stored searches File.
*.PNX WinPMail v4.0+ PNX files are the RTF version of the message bodies of any queued and draft messages that contain formatted text. The name part of the file is the same as the corresponding .PMO or .PMX or .PMW file. There should be no .PNX files without a corresponding other file.

Files existing when a specific extension is used in WinPMail.

NOTE: It is possible that none, or not all, of those files exist on your computer. When you have never used some of the extensions that come with WinPMail (tools | extensions) some files will not exist.

Filename or extension Version information Information
MULTIPOP.PM WinPMail v2.4+ This file contains an index to the different multipop settings. Each individual Multipop entry, that has the setting "Download only unread mail" active, also has its own MP*.PM file where the download information is stored in.
EVE.PM WinPMail v2.5+
WinPMail v3.0-
This file contains an index to the different "multiple identity" settings. Each individual entry has its own EV*.PM file where the information is stored in.
In the 3.0 version the EVE extension is replaced by identities and the v2.x style EVE should not be used anymore.
BCARD.PM WinPMail v2.4+ This file contains the information to use when a business card is sent through the Business card extension.
PH.PM WinPMail v2.5+ This file contains the preferences of the PH extension. The extension is included in the WinPmail package and can be found in the Addressess menu
LDAP.PM WinPMail v2.5+ This file contains the preferences of the LDAP extension. The extension is included in the WinPmail package and can be found in the Addressess menu

Files existing when a specific function is used in WinPMail.

NOTE: It is possible that none, or not all, of those files exist on your computer. When you have never used some of the functions that come with WinPMail the files will not exist.

Filename or extension Version information Information
TCP*.pop WinPMail v4.5+ This file contains output of a pop3 session log. Detailed informtation on my TCP logs directory page.
TCP*.smtp WinPMail v4.5+ This file contains output of a smtp session log. Detailed informtation on my TCP logs directory page

Files used for IMAP cache

Filename or extension Version information Information
IMC* WinPMail v4.21+ For each IMAP directory a cache directory is created. The long hexadecimal file names are somehow uniquely derived from and identify a specific IMAP mail folder.
*.PHC WinPMail v4.21+ Pegasus Mail header cache file. This file holds the headers for an imap folder. Those files are inside an IMC* sub-directory.
*.PFC WinPMail v4.21+ Pegasus Mail message cache file. This file holds the message data for an imap folder. Those files are inside an IMC* sub-directory.
*.PMC WinPMail v4.21+ Pegasus mail folder Cache file. This file holds the folder data for an imap folder. Those files are inside an IMC* sub-directory.

Files specific to Pmail (DOS version)

Filename or extension Version information Information
*.PME   Filter rule files.
*.PMK   Keyboard files.
SCRAPBK.PMZ   The scrap buffer for Pmail. (normally accessed through <F8>).
*.PMU   Any file with this suffix relate to a Pmail Keyboard Macro created with <ALT+U>. The filename is the hexadecimal representation of the character used to trigger the macro after <CTRL-U>.

Important files in the program directory

Filename or extension Version information Information
PMAIL.CFG   This file contains the most important settings in Pegasus Mail. It points to the way of installation (Stand alone, Multiple users, Netware) and contains the directories used for New Mail and Home mailbox. When using a User Defined Gateway (UDG), that information is stored here as well.
You can use the pconfig.exe program to modify the information in this file. When you delete or rename the file, on the next launch Pegasus Mail will go into the install routine.
  This (optional) file can contain settings which can be set on the commandline as well. Besides that language settings are stored here, information about Public Folders (System wide folders) is placed here as well.
  This file contains important information you need to know, when you use WinPMail more than the average user does. Installing on a network, detailed descriptions about import/export, how to... and a version history can be found in it.
Since this file is not updated anymore recently, it's moved to the resource subdirectory for new installations.
PMDICT3.PMD   This file contains the actual used dictionary for the current session. This file is renamed from one of the existing files pmdct3xx.pmd (where xx are the country codes used).
The actual path to the current dictionary is taken from the state.pmj file.

Files that should not exist ??!!??

Filename or extension Version information Information
WinPMail v2.4+
WinPMail v4.0-
Temporary files, that are used by Pegasus Mail for Windows, when parsing attachments and/or html files. Those files should be deleted by Pegasus Mail, but are not. You can delete them yourself. When you do, make sure Pegasus Mail for Windows is not active.
*.CNX WinPMail v3.01+ CNX files are created when you read a final form version of a message in the queue manager. They should usually be deleted automatically when the message is closed.
*.BU WinPMail v4.00+
WinPMail v4.01-
Temporary files, that are used by Pegasus Mail for Windows, when parsing html files. Those files should be deleted by Pegasus Mail, but are not. You can delete them yourself. When you do, make sure Pegasus Mail for Windows is not active.

Files in Noticeboards locations

*.CNB   Mail messages stored in Noticeboards.

Files in Systemwide / Public folders locations

*.CNR   Mail messages stored in Systemwide folders (called Public folders from version 4.20 on).
PMFOLDER.ID   This file holds the displayed name for the folder in the folder hierarchy.
COUNTERS.PM   This file keeps track of the read/unread and numer of messages in a Public folder.


This information has been made available to the Pegasus Mail users by many contributors. Some are mentioned before.Others are:

If you have more information that should be placed on this page, please feel free to contact me by e-mail and I will make that information available.
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